Podcast Episode 2 “Bones” Photo Gallery

Enjoy this photo gallery that corresponds to our second podcast which is all about “dem” bones; where we find them, what kinds of bones we find and what we do with them.  Feel free to leave a comment and join in this conversation, and as always, happy wandering! 

* Some of the images are a bit graphic containing flesh and dried blood

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Author: Juni-Jen

I have been an aspiring writer since first grade, and a true wanderer since birth, often getting lost in grocery and department stores, no doubt giving my poor mom lots of early silver threads. A mom to two beautiful human beings,myself, I am also a dancer, certified trauma and ashtanga based yoga instructor, free lance artist and owner of a face/body painting business, and unabashed dreamer. I'm an eternal enthusiast of all things out of doors, lover of the leafed, furred, scaled, feathered, earthen, rock and sky peoples. I bend my ear, and heart and soul to listen to their wisdom. We are so infinitely and intimately connected with and to these beings on this beautiful planet, Mother Earth. From her we are born and to her we return and are born again. Feathers and bones, flowers and stones, turning, turning, returning.

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